Black Wolves Saga -Last Hope- · Otome Games

Black Wolves Saga -Last Hope- Bad Ends/Overall Thoughts

bws_001 OK, so the fun part begins… When I first finished playing Bloody Nightmare, I didn’t really think the bad ends were fun. Now that I look back at both Bloody Nightmare and Last Hope, they were actually pretty fun. I don’t know… At first, I pitied and felt sorry for them. Now, I just think it’s kind of funny b/c I would think some of the characters are just ridiculous and I just stopped feeling sorry for them. ( `◔ω◔) Continue reading “Black Wolves Saga -Last Hope- Bad Ends/Overall Thoughts”

Black Wolves Saga -Last Hope- · Otome Games

Black Wolves Saga -Last Hope- Elza Clifford


Elza is Nesso’s subordinate, a  fellow knight. I played his route last since I was looking forward to his route the most; I was itching to play his route since Bloody Nightmare (◔౪◔ ) aha To be honest though… I thought it was pretty awkward playing his route. Even though it was his route, I thought he barely had any role in the game. I think the most important role he had was to save Fiona & co at Biales, but other than that…( ◉ ェ◉) Continue reading “Black Wolves Saga -Last Hope- Elza Clifford”

Butterfly Lip · Otome Games

Butterfly Lip – Ichinose Kei & Himeno Kazuhi


It actually took me a long time to play this…Why? It’s the delays! “Σ⊂(☉ω☉∩ ) 壁ドンッ! You know that feeling you get when you wait for something for a long time? You’re all excited that the something is going to be released real soon. Then, they tell you that they’re going to delay it, so basically the excitement turns into a “screw that.” This is what happened to me. Also, I don’t know if it was just me, but the window size for the game was too humongo. I couldn’t change the window size…noob. ε=(・д・`*)ハァ… Since I usually multi-task when I play otome games, I would kind of delay playing the game. _(._. _ Anyways, I was finally able to finish the game. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ Continue reading “Butterfly Lip – Ichinose Kei & Himeno Kazuhi”